University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore believes in outcome based education for channelizing the efforts of learners to serve the society at large. It was spoken by Dr. Mehviz Riaz while addressing in seminar titled “Enhancing Quality of Program through Micro-Teaching” organized by Quality Enhancement cell UET, Lahore under the Directorship of Dr. Farhan Mahmood to attendees at UET, Lahore.
He said in his presentation to meet the challenges of national and international markets curricula, practicals and other educational practices must be up to the mark. This will ensure the performance and input of working force to bring the efforts on real track of progress. He further talked that Outcome Based Education is a process that involves assessment and evaluation practices in education so it is need of time to maintain it. He added that expectations of accreditation employers and students for assurance of quality of education must be taken for the mission of any institute and UET is following it with true soul and spirit. In this seminar newly lecturers of Main and Sub Campuses, Deputy Director QEC Engr.Mureed Abbas and other were also present. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar awarded the certificates to the participants.